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Artist / Parkour Moverment Coach

Chunny Baker
May 7, 20171 min read
Work So Far
Here is a video collecting works and projects from the last few months.

Chunny Baker
May 2, 20172 min read
Rigs Drones Crabs
So our recent project was to create a hard surface model then rig up the model using set driven keys. In the past i have played around...

Chunny Baker
May 2, 20172 min read
Exploding A Bunker
A recent project we were given was a particle and composting exercise. We were given a file of a War bunker that we had to try and ...

Chunny Baker
May 2, 20172 min read
Set In Stone
Recently through a small project with SAE we were given a task to explore render layers and procedural texturing within maya. With this...

Chunny Baker
May 1, 20172 min read
Exploring Unreal
Exploring Unreal As a last project for the class before the holidays we were tasked with concept a character then creating the characters...

Chunny Baker
Apr 30, 20171 min read
A quick Stumble
A quick post today, Here is a Quick animation a of a character had to do for a brief where we had to express emotion without a face.
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