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Riggity Plans

Chunny Baker

Have narrowed down the possible rigs to use for animation practice for my personal projects. As mentioned earlier I found a nice rigger from Vietnam who creates a variety of rigs from bipedal game characters to a assorted mix of different quad and swimming type creatures.

I will be breaking up the animation projects into three different mini projects to get some quick practice at different moments.

The first project will be using a 3D version of the classic Disney flour Sack. The flour sack was originally used in 2D animation as a test for recruits and education in animation. If a animator could express emotion and body movement with a object that is essentially a smoothed rectangle with no face. Than in theory can animate any character.

I would like to play with this flour sack rig to match animation to film to create a dancing flour sack. I enjoy dance and have been meaning to play around with dance movement for a whi;e So I thought I world tackle this craving with a unconventional shape.

This flour sack rig is called JD Flour sack rig, can be found on such websites as highend3d, or the artists gum road at this link

The next part of my project I would like to get practie with animating quadruple type rigs. I will be using a rig from Troung, Currently tossing up between the boxy panther, the leopard or bull rigs at the moment.

Not sure of the movement ill b trying to replicate at this moment but will be exploring body mechanics so a walk run jump type movement.

The third part of my project I will be using one of these bird rigs to create a flight animation I have always enjoyed the motion of wings. So it will be a nice exercise in trying to get the right mechanics for the the flight.

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