Waking up a sack.

First Impressions of the JD Flour sack the controls are simple the rig broken up into Upper middle and lower part of the model. Each control allows squash and stretch type of movement with the mesh.
Looking through videos on vimeo and youtube to find a suitiable base for dance refference. Looking at groups such the following groups and channels for inspiration
Dasiy Lee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3l-Q7LgzQo-aMIAA1cnHOg
Step x Step https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzQKiemLFm3yG4yRVNI0unQ
Kuto Dance https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ViHMnY-GaB6aA5EjpKFsQ
world of dance https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8xib1EjaAbsstncxXSUNZg
Frictions https://vimeo.com/29220752
Nusence https://vimeo.com/67809013
Lots of nice movement, but I wanted something contempory but also something that was filmed with minimal camera movements.
I eventually found this dance
Hallelujah - Kate Aberger