Chemical Goldfish

Chemical Goldfish logo created by Ben Chapman
This week have been continuing looking into other animations for style reference
A common theme seems to be arising. Light bright colours with a flatter or cell shading appeal.
During this week I started trying to come up with project names and group names. For the project name I looked into Theseus for Alternative or similar words for ghost, haunting, spectre, ectoplasm to try and find words that I thought could possibly suit the project.
With the team name I started with looking into common elements of who we are and what we are doing.
This lead me to trying to think little abstractly through this I looked up a bunch of random word generators and started mixing words together that I liked the sound of.
Some off the names for the project that I suggested are
Ecto records Plasma sound Ectowave Haunting Haunt records Incorporeal sounds Afterlife beats Ethereal Melody Chromatic Haunting Plasma Scratch Haloween beats G. Host Apparition Aspiration Phantom Phantasy Specter Dreams
Some of the names for the team name that were suggested
Chocolate fueled studios, Not so frog productions. Sleepy eyed. Spirited Students NamethisSTUDIO Micro Universe Digital thumbs
missed meals soft light daft digits no scrubs mayacrashers Backyard CGI Penguin Headquarters Seven sided polygon Heptagon Studios IntroVerted Pupils Nutty Ambition
The winning team name is Chemical Goldfish, though in conversation I mistakenly called the group Atomic Goldfish, which I feel has a better ring to it.