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Another Term

Chunny Baker

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Another term of study at SAE. During studio we have creative freedom to pursue any field of study that we would like to explore. Quite a daunting proposal as there is potentially many things i would like to explore.

On a brief reflection of ideas some of the possible routes would like to look into.

Animation, Character animation practice working on movements from the mundane to the exciting, playing with body mechanics.

Game engine, Familiarising myself with game engine, importing assets, customisation, experimenting with material editor and light scripting.

Compositing, learning the basics of video editing programs, incorporating 3D assets into film footage.

Environment design aspects, looking into different techniques and processes in environmental design

Sculpting. Playing with sculpting and texturing programs such as mudbox, quixel.

Particle systems and dynamics, i enjoyed playing with dynamics during previous projects, pushing forward in this direction see what can create for SPX.

Shading lighting rendering, Looking into optimising shading and lighting processes to get experience and become proficient in lighting rendering scenes

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