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Artist / Parkour Moverment Coach

Chunny Baker
Oct 21, 20174 min read
Burning Laptop Experiments
Today I have been playing around in Houdini trying to put stuff together that I have learnt and mixing it with some experimentation.' The...

Chunny Baker
Jul 16, 20171 min read
Flour Feedback
So after a little bit of time of not looking at the flour sack animation thinking it was done and dusted for the time being. I sent the...

Chunny Baker
Jul 1, 20171 min read
Sack Dance
The final animation (for now) for the dancing floursack #chunny #chunnybaker #animation #maya #jdfloursack #sacky #dance #3d

Chunny Baker
Jun 23, 20172 min read
Riggity Plans
Have narrowed down the possible rigs to use for animation practice for my personal projects. As mentioned earlier I found a nice rigger...

Chunny Baker
Jun 22, 20171 min read
Over the last week have been looking at alot of different rigs from different sournces such as highend3d 11 second club, anmation buffet....

Chunny Baker
Jun 22, 20171 min read
Honing the broad Brush
So recently have been doing some looking around to try and get a more precise idea of what i would like to explore with personal project...

Chunny Baker
Jun 9, 20171 min read
Another Term
Another term of study at SAE. During studio we have creative freedom to pursue any field of study that we would like to explore. Quite a...
Chunny Baker
Mar 14, 20171 min read
Bioluminescent Fruit
A fruit created as project for class at SAE where we had to concept a idea of a new alien fruit. A research team exploring the new planet...
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